The American revolution war


Started in 1754 but the war took place between 1775-1776. It was international war between British colonial and United States of America. 

The American Revolution, also known as the Revolutionary War, was a pivotal event in the history of the United States. It took place between 1775 and 1783, marking the 13 American colonies' struggle for independence from British rule. The conflict had deep-seated roots in issues such as taxation without representation, British colonial policies, and the desire for self-governance. Tensions had been simmering for years, but they erupted into open conflict with the Battles of Lexington and Concord in April 1775. Over the course of the eight-year war, both sides experienced significant victories and defeats. The American patriots, led by figures like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, fought for the principles of liberty and self-determination. Ultimately, their determination, along with support from France and other European powers, helped them secure victory in 1783 with the Treaty of Paris. This treaty recognized the United States as a sovereign nation, bringing an end to British colonial rule and laying the foundation for the birth of a new nation built on the principles of democracy and individual rights. The American Revolution remains a symbol of the fight for freedom and is a cornerstone of American national identity.

      Original thirteen colonies.

New Hampshire, New York, pennsylviania, massachasets,Rhodes island, connectivity, New Jersey, Delaware, Mayland, Virginia, North Caroline, South Caroline, Georgia.

British colonised firstly those thirteen States because of:

They were such important and productive while others were farmers and less productive 
There was among Those indigenous British people.( From Britain ).

Early settlements in America : ( Christopher columbus).

  • Was an Italian explorer and Navigator.
  • Spanish sent him to finger out or explore the people known as America.

Reasons for European migrations.( British, Spanish and French )

  • Religion practices 
  • Political oppression 
  • Survival
  • Economical issue

Reason for Asian( Indians)

  • Through Beringia that used to connect North America and Asia.
  • Bergina used to have grass and tall trees which attracts animal that human used to hunt.
  • Indians were those used to hunt but during their mission without knowing where they were, they crossed border and Beringia cut off.
  • They stayed there and started new life like being pastoralism and farmers.
  • They were first people to start living of America lands.

“No taxation  without  Representative “

  • There were no representatives of Americans for both side either United States Parliament or United Kingdom Parliament. 
  • There was “fear “for future life and situation. 
  • If they get a representative they can practice their culture, religion, trade and all stuffs with a peacefully manner. 

Social-classes institualized by Britain .

  • Upper-class                                               lower-class
  • British colonist.                                         American colonies    
  • Aristocratic                           .                    peasant

  • Church of England                             Puritan                  
  • Conservative members                       progressive states

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